Monday, June 04, 2007


I didn't think my clues were hard and I thought for sure someone would guess easily! I have had a great time reading all the emails and comments! I think the one I laughed at the most was the 30th Anniversay of Star Wars(Beth)! I would have never thought that someone (Deneen) (Beth) would relate this to when I got saved or baptised! Or, Liza (I wish she would email me and give me her blog, please I do want to send you something!) thinking my birthday (which is July 20 not July 9) oh, I love green yarn for a b-day present! So I have decided to end this, May 25 was my BLOG ANNIVERSAY!!!!! There, I said it! BELLS, BALLOONS, CHEERS, SONGS!!!! It was a fun five long weeks of trying to keep you all in suspense.

I was thinking about the blog-o-sphere being like many small countries with different ways and cultures popping up! I excused persons for not guessing what was up with the thought, MAYBE THE PEOPLE RESPONDING HAVE NOT HEARD OF A BLOG ANNIVERSARY!!!!! I just have to ask all of you now, have you heard of a blog anniversary? Please let me know and what you think about my clues!

I must explain a little about my clues and what I was thinking. First I wanted my blog to be about my originality, art, and celebration of it! The other clues pertained to the date of when I began blogging. I really had to get into the attributes of my inspiration because I try not to have this whole thing be about "me!" But, rather a celebration of how I am inspired to do and appreciative of where this all comes from! So, I will still be giving away the presents to celebrate! Please email me your addresses to receive and SURPRIZE!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes the most obvious isn't all that obvious, ha ha. Happy Blogiversary!

Deneen said...

LOL-I was going for something deeper-which was funny because the Blogiversary thing is right there in our faces and we all went too deep.

Usually people announce it's a blogiversary contest and then you have to guess something else to win-You did good, made me think!

Happy Blogiversary!

Anonymous said...

You weren't celebrating the 30th anniversary of Star Wars? I'm disappointed. :) Well then, Happy Blogiversary! (I've heard of blogiversaries, but never thought of that for some reason.)

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope it is a happy birthday - and a good day on July 9th too! HA!

Congrats on your blogiversary!

Liza -

PS I don't have a blog, I am an obsessive blog reader! I have a new baby, I work more than full time, and we have a small cattle operation- so I read knitting blogs in my spare time (ha!)