Saturday, July 21, 2007


Here's some of his great music if you care to listen! The concert was great, Bob played piano with "his band." I sat in the third row, facing Bob! I danced almost the whole way through. I brought sign I made, "Everything Except Compromise." It was lovely, and poetic as always with Bob. I yelled, I screamed, I waved my hands in praise of his gifts and talents. Bob just knows how to reach down to the innermost parts of the soul and touch one in an extrordinary way. Yes, he should be a Nobel Laureate, for he truly is mine!

It was a pleasure to do the ribbing on my Socks for Soldier sock during the wait (we got there early to first come, first serve seating) and the opening band, for me the ribbing is always slow, so this made it less. My birthday was the greatest ever!!!!!!

1 comment:

Deneen said...

Yay for such a great time!