Saturday, February 03, 2007


Tamara called last week and asked if I had ever been, and of course, yes, and I knew exactly what I wanted. We power shopped arriving at 10:00 A.M. and leaving at 2:00 P.M. First off I had to buy this cute little crocheted shrug, my reasoning was that I could use it to make a pattern. Then all this yarn I purchaed at Interlacements out of their grab bags for five and fifteen dollars the other is Tamara's stash from the same place and bag. We then went to the Philosopher's Wool Fair Isle class and I relearned the right way to do Fair Isle knitting. I was serious about it 25 years ago and made the sweater I was wearing (see it with the Philospher's photo op pic), but I really forgot how to do it and knew I wasn't carrying my yarn exactly right (I had learned to twist it) to weave it into the back, boy did I totally learn how to do it and now, look out, I am a steamroller baby!!!!! I also had the pleasure of meeting Helen Gibb, my all time favorite silk ribbon embroiderer. She was kind to let me also get a picture with her. I got this great pack of silk velvet and this "Oliver Twists" by Jean Oliver called 'One Offs' variety of cotton and rayon threads hand dyed in the UK (not guaranteed colourfast), and then all of this Interlacements yarn out of their grab bags for five and fifteen dollars. I have alway wanted to attempt a mohair lace shawl, well now what am I waiting for? Seriously, I have never purchased a ball winder and swift....well now I know why....when it come to 1000+ yards of mohair, well, a girl whose been knitting since '76 really needs to realize, the exercise she gets from winding 225 yards is okay for merinos and such, but mohair? Dare less I get too excited to knit it and go ahead and wind it. Tam said it would take me three days, but I think, I could easily get it wound tonite....what am I wagering? It's darn good exercise and I need it, I don't have time and money to waste on that stuff, I'd rather be buying or knitting yarn ya'all!!!!!

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